Before the rains started in earnest, we had a trip northeast to Grizzly Lake. We have made the trip every time we've come to Glennallen. The proprietors, Jim and Kathy, are involved with the board of Crossroad Medical Clinic. When gassing up at the Hub, Jon talked to some hunters who were sporting their moose antlers. Notice the muddy ATVs and ice-chests containing the parts of the huge moose. These antlers were 55" across, which is nearing the huge category. I dare say they were pleased with themselves!
Crossroad has a country clinic at Grizzly Lake, where a Nurse Practitioner has held forth for many years. One drives hours to get medical help in this part of Alaska, as in most parts.
Jim and Kathy own the lake as well, catering to the hunting crowd in the summer and fall. Moose season closes this weekend. Then the big guys can come out of hiding again:)
Kathy is the one that helped me pick the wild blueberries on their property two years ago. It is cranberry season this time....I passed.
On the opposite side of the lake they have a dirt runway which serves quite a few pilots. They have a floatplane as well. Plane is really the best way to get anywhere fast. Their Pyranees 'puppy' (3 yrs. old) is name Sweetness. HE followed us everywhere.
Fall is at it's peak and snow is creeping down the mts. and will be on the ground soon. The warm season is short here.
Across the lake we viewed the Trumpeter Swan couple and their five signets. Eventually they moved closer to us and Jon could get a better shot of them. Kathy said the parents have been trying to get them to fly, but they are resistant. Guess it takes the parents leaving them to get the message across!
We say good-bye to Sweetness and head out for home. We intended (on Labor Day) to stop at the Grizzley for pizza, but they had sawhorses across the road....not open. We returned a day or two later with Joel, Karen and their daughter who was visiting from the 'lower 48.' Had reindeer sausage pizza.....spicy! But good.
This will probably be the last entry for this trip. Jon has been on call often here, laying his clothes on the floor, in order of dressing, so he can slip them on without putting on the light and waking me! Isn't that nice?
We're trying to eat up the odds and ends in the fridge and starting to pack. We arrive Sat. night. Jon flies Wed. to Arizona to be doc to the Havisupai Indians in the bottom of the Grand Canyon. I will post here if he sends me the info. Or maybe he will learn how to blog!!